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Vocabulary and Phrases:
IncĂȘndio - Fire
Fuligem - Soot
Uma viagem de carro / road trip - A car trip / road trip
Fomos colher maçãs - We went apple picking
Colocar todos dentro da mesma caixa - Put everyone in the same box
Ă um pouco estranho - It's a little strange
Juntos / Xuntos - Together
Se nĂŁo me engano - If I'm not mistaken
Creche - Daycare
Quase imediatamente - Almost immediately
Exaustos - Exhausted
Miradouros - Viewpoints
Vilas - Villages
Alugamos - We rented
Artrite - Arthritis
Quadril - Hip
Joelho - Knee
TitĂąneo - Titanium
Vai demorar - It will take time
Eu entendia com atrasos - I understood with delays
Places and Culture:
RepĂșblica Checa - Czech Republic
Chile - Pronounced as "xile" or "shhh"
7 de Setembro - Brazil's Independence Day
Vigo, Espanha - Vigo, Spain
GalĂcia / Galiza - Galicia (region in Spain)
PaĂs Basco - Basque Country
EscĂłcia - Scotland
WĂŒrzburg - City in Germany
Sabrosa - City in Portugal
People and Entertainment:
HeloĂsa PĂ©rissĂ© - Famous Brazilian actress
Rafinha Bastos - Brazilian comedian
Useful Websites: - Website for tracking fires in Portugal
Language Notes:
- Galego - Language spoken in Galicia
- HĂșngaro - Hungarian language
- Difference between "inveja" (envy) and "ciĂșmes" (jealousy)
- Brazilians use many stickers on WhatsApp
Class Activity Suggestion:
- Watch or listen to Brazilian comedy/comedians
Additional Notes:
- Discussion about various topics including fires in Portugal, travel experiences, health issues, and cultural differences.
- Mentions of personal experiences and anecdotes from class participants.