Meeting notes, etc.
- 17:02:54 [Alexia Souza to Everyone]
- "Ao nosso fuso horário" ("To our time zone")
- "Time zone"
- "Mudamos de fuso horário" ("We changed time zones")
- "botões" ("buttons")
- "Como foi a volta à realidade?" ("How was the return to reality?")
- "O avião" ("The airplane")
- "porão" ("basement")
- "Wine cellar = adega de vinhos" ("Wine cellar = wine cellar")
- "Eu sofro por antecipação" ("I suffer in anticipation")
- "Gripe A?" ("Flu A?")
- "Oi, Lissett!" ("Hi, Lissett!")
- 17:09:49 [Foster Hodge to Everyone]
- "oi lissett!" ("hi lissett!")
- 17:10:07 [lissett medrano to Everyone]
- "Oii! tarde mais aqui to :)" ("Hi! I'm late but here :)")
- 17:10:16 [Alexia Souza to Everyone]
- "Antes tarde do que nunca!" ("Better late than never!")
- 17:10:55 [Foster Hodge to Everyone]
- "portugal"
- 17:12:22 [Alexia Souza to Everyone]
- "Você sabe quando é melhor ir para PT? Quando não seja muito frio… e nem muito caro" ("Do you know when is the best time to go to PT? When it's not too cold... and not too expensive")
- "BBB = Bom, bonito e barato" ("BBB = Good, beautiful, and cheap")
- Reacted to with 👍 by Alexia Souza and ❤️ by lissett medrano
- 17:17:39 [Alexia Souza to Everyone]
- Various terms for "Costa Rican" in Portuguese, laughter, and other casual chat about language nuances, games, and food items.
- 17:38:03 [Alexia Souza to Everyone]
- Begins a segment about foods with the letter "B", including "Banana", "Bife" (Steak), "Berinjela" (Eggplant), "Brócolis" (Broccoli), "Bacon", "brioche", "bacalhau" (Cod), "brigadeiro", "bolo" (Cake), "Batata-doce" (Sweet potato), "Batatas" (Potatoes), "banoffee", "merengue", "Bola de berlim", describing a pastry similar to a doughnut filled with jam.
- 17:44:17 [Alexia Souza to Everyone]
- Discusses "Bola de berlim", a type of pastry, and compares it to other sweets, concluding with various items and closing with a playful note on language specifics about eggs and grandparents in Portuguese.