Foster Hodge: Vamos começar já já! (Let's start soon!)
Alexia Souza to Everyone: No meu lar = na minha casa (In my home = in my house)
Foster Hodge to Everyone: Can’t hear you Adam
Adam Keller to Everyone: still no?
Alexia Souza to Everyone: Adam - still no But can you hear us? Eu sou Havaiano (I am Hawaiian) Volta Redonda (a city in Brazil)
Adam Keller to Everyone: I can hear you yes
Andrew Shapira to Everyone: Preciso ter namorada carioca também? 😂 (Do I also need to have a girlfriend from Rio?)
Adam Keller to Everyone: that's ok I am no good at speaking anyway, but I will listen and will figure it out muito bom (very good)
Andrew Shapira to Everyone: Espaço seguro (Safe space)
Foster Hodge to Everyone: Olá Sara! (Hello Sara!)
No Havaí (In Hawaii)
Oi, Sara! (Hi, Sara!)
dezoito (eighteen)
Para ir para a faculdade (To go to college)
Cidade de passagem (City of passage)
Doutorado = PHD
Super estimado (Super estimated)
Super valorizado (Super valued)
Exagerado (Exaggerated)
Subestimado (Underestimated)
Desvalorizado (Devalued)
Adequado (Adequate)
Tá certo (That's right)
Quando os estrangeiros/turistas visitam (When foreigners/tourists visit)
Eles não sabem quando dinheiro vão gastar (They don't know how much money they will spend) quanto***
gastar - to spend (money)
lotado (crowded) lotado, cheio - full
Quando eu era criança (When I was a child) Quando a gente ia lá (When we went there)
Quando o Havaí foi integrado aos EUA (When Hawaii was integrated into the USA) 1959 Mil novecentos e cinquenta e nove (1959)
Adam Keller to Everyone: The zoom audio check says my audio is working, so I don't know : (
Alexia Souza to Everyone: 1867 Reacted to "The zoom audio check..." with 🥲 Adam, você é da onde? (Adam, where are you from?)
Adam Keller to Everyone: Nuevo York (New York) Mais Florida originalmente (But originally Florida)
Alexia Souza to Everyone: Não é a minha praia - not my cup of tea (Brazilian idiom meaning "it's not my thing")
Foster Hodge to Everyone: não é minha praia - it’s not my cup of tea Disney — Alexia’s pronunciation 🙂
Alexia Souza to Everyone: Dixney
Foster Hodge to Everyone: How do you say “rite of passage”
Alexia Souza to Everyone: Não é verdade (It's not true)
Foster Hodge to Everyone: Seinfeld
Alexia Souza to Everyone: viu (saw)
assistiu (watched)
Não era engraçado (It wasn't funny)
Não era engraçado pra mim (na época)
(It wasn't funny to me (at the time)
Dois shows Tito básicos (Two basic Tito shows)
muito* (very) antiquado
Alexia Souza to Everyone: O mais velho (The oldest)
Adam Keller to Everyone: meu computadora e muito velho : ( (my computer is very old :() I will have to go and try again next time I think ok ciao obrigado (thank you)
Alexia Souza to Everyone: O pioneiro (The pioneer)
Foster Hodge to Everyone: Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee é bom tb 🙂 (Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee is also good)
Alexia Souza to Everyone: Os Normais (série brasileira) (Os Normais - a Brazilian series) É muito ruim (It's very bad) Uma base de fãs (A fan base) séries (series)
Foster Hodge to Everyone: The Leftovers Hero’s Journey viagem heroíca? (Hero's Journey heroic journey?)
Andrew Shapira to Everyone: Tipo O Senhor dos Anéis (Like The Lord of the Rings)
Alexia Souza to Everyone: Futebol americano (American football) Final da copa do mundo (World Cup final) São chatos (They are boring)
Foster Hodge to Everyone: Chato - boring, annoying, etc. Chateado — annoyed, upset
Alexia Souza to Everyone: Na copa (In the cup) Durante a copa (do mundo) (During the World Cup) atletas (athletes) jogadores (players) ju juízes (judges) Árbitro (Referee)
Foster Hodge to Everyone: graviola soursop?
Andrew Shapira to Everyone: E o pequi? 😂 (And the pequi? 😂 - Pequi is a Brazilian fruit known for its strong flavor and thorns inside)
Foster Hodge to Everyone: damasco - apricot [link to blog about dangerous fruit]
Alexia Souza to Everyone: Caqui (Persimmon) Antes de encontrar a minha namorada (Before meeting my girlfriend) cacho (bunch)
Foster Hodge to Everyone: caju - cashew cacho de bananas - bunch of bananas"